On Saturday, March 2, 2024 the YSF secretariat and the director of the growth center of technology units at the University of Hormozgan convened for a virtual meeting.
Dr. Soroush Moaddab, YSF Executive Manager, provided an initial overview of YSF, outlining the various stages and components involved. These included the idea section, the start-up businesses section, as well as the section for awarded faculty member in the field of basic science, and the supporting credits.
Furthermore, Dr. Moaddab emphasized the importance of sharing YSF announcements at the University of Hormozgan and the provincial technology units to encourage a wider range of individuals to participate in YSF and offer support to individuals with innovative ideas.
Dr. Moaddab identified the Startup Weekend gathering at the University of Hormozgan, in collaboration with YSF in 2024, as the initial stage for fostering collaboration between the two entities.
During the meeting, Dr. Mehdi Haji Abdolrasouli, the director of the growth center of technology units at the University of Hormozgan, expressed his satisfaction with the establishment of communication and the initiation of cooperation between the two institutions. He also declared his complete readiness to promote YSF at both the university and provincial levels.
Additionally, Dr. Haji Abdolrasouli, a faculty member at the Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Hormozgan, warmly welcomed the commencement of the start-up weekend in the domain of basic sciences through collaborative efforts. He emphasized the formation of a joint working group as the initial step towards organizing this significant event.
Ultimately, it was decided that a memorandum of understanding (MoU) would be established between the two parties to collaborate on organizing the start-up weekend event through the establishment of a joint working group.