A fruitful meeting took place on Saturday, June 24, 2023, as the executives of the Young Scientists Festival (YSF) and the head of Headquarters for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies under the Vice-Chancellor of Science, Technology, and Knowledge-Based Economy, came together to strengthen their collaboration
Dr. Moaddab, YSF Executive Manager began by providing explanation about YSF and its various components and he stated that the primary objective of the YSF was to inspire and motivate youth.
Furthermore, Dr. Jamili, Director of YSF Office, pointed to the establishment of the Jamili Science and Technology Foundation and the initiation of international activities involving membership in ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF). Notably, she highlighted the MineTech Accelerator and Aanco Academy as integral components of the festival’s innovation cycle.
Dr. Hasanlou, the head of the Cultural Technology Development Headquarters, expressed appreciation for this philanthropic initiative and proposed incorporating the cognitive domain into the fundamental sciences. He emphasized the potential for valuable collaborations between YSF and the headquarters, particularly in the fıeld of artificial intelligence (AI), which provide a context for interaction between innovation centers and creative hubs to actively engage with YSF.
In the end, it was unanimously agreed to sign a joint memorandum of understanding (MoU), with the aim of fostering scientific exchange and further strengthening the partnership between these two organizations.