Consultation with the Director General of ICRIC[1] Company
In accordance with the internationalization of the festival
A meeting was held on Monday, September 19th, 2022; between ICRIC Company and the Young Scientists Festival in order to benefit from the valuable experiences of Dr. Karbasi, the Director General and Second Vice Chairman of ICRIC.
At first, Dr. Moaddab – the YSF Executive Manager – introduced the objectives of this scientific event, YSF policy-making council members, as well as the supporters of the festival. He further added that the YSF, MineTech Mining Accelerator, along with Aansoo Artificial Intelligence Academy, which are all divisions of Zarin Mining Industrial Group, have created an entrepreneurial cycle together.
YSF executive manager mentioned changing the name of the foundation from “Jamili Charitable Foundation” to “Jamili Science and Technology Foundation” and also the establishment of the “UNESCO Basic Sciences and Technology Club” as the beginning of the international activities of this scientific competition.
Dr. Karbasi, while appreciating this scientific movement and expressing his hope in order to reduce the distance between the Iranian idea-makers inside the country and those residing abroad, expressed his suggestions as follows:
1- Extensive international announcement (with special focus on 10 neighboring countries at the beginning)
2- Taking advantage of the scolars and capabilities of Iranians living abroad and creating an arena for their activities in Iran
3- Benefiting from the knowledge and experiences of scientific advisors and ministers in the path of internationalization
4- Holding meetings with similar festivals and international events
5- Organizing specialized panels with international partners such as ECO
6- Holding meetings with the heads of joint chambers of commerce
While announcing his readiness to accompany the YSF, the Director General of ICRIC noted that collaboration will be made through the ICRIC with the chambers of commerce in order to introduce the Young Scientists Festival.
At the end and following Dr. Karbasi’s recommendations, Dr. Moaddab presented some activities carried out in the direction of internationalization of the Young Scientists Festival.
Young Scientists Festival (known as YSF) is held annually in order to promote the culture of self-belief and create motivation and hope in the young researchers studying or working in the fields of Basic Sciences as well as start-up and knowledge enterprises. As a scientific event, the festival provides talented young people and new businesses with awards and educational support to develop their ideas into practical applications as well as networking and building their future teams.