Prof. Mahmoud Kamarei-President of YSF described the supporting fields of the festival and said: YSF is focused on supporting applied basic science researches which is organized by “Jamili Science and Technology Foundation” as an NGO. YSF aims to provide a platform for young ideators and start-up owners to showcase their ideas and achievements and contribute to the scientific growth of the world, while also providing opportunities for networking and collaboration with the specialists in basic sciences.
The President of YSF added: in the 7th YSF, 335 proposals were received in the idea section, out of which 33 projects have successfully advanced to the next stage of evaluation process. Similarly, in the start-up section, we received 51 business proposals and following the initial review, 10 proposals have qualified for the next assessment. In addition, among 52 faculty members of basic sciences who applied for the festival award, 20 of them were entered the second judging process.
Prof. Kamarei continued: 12 proposals were selected as the 7th YSF laureates and each received a research grant (an equivalent of 2000 USD), with 10% of the grant provided as a gift and the remaining 90% of the grant will be disbursed incrementally based on the progress made in developing their plan into viable business products. Furthermore, Dr. Hamed Daemi, an assistant professor at Royan Institute, was awarded a research grant (an equivalent of 4000 USD) in the young basic science faculty members’ section.
President of YSF added: the Jamili Foundation has generously provided a total of 48000 USD product development grants to support the 7th YSF laureates in 2023.