In face of the new situations of rapid global scientific development, deepening international cooperation, and interaction between different cultures, the significance of science support has gained wide attention globally. Belt and Road International Science Education Consortium (BRISEC) is an international consortium that promotes the coordinated development of the international science education through extensive cooperation among government departments, scientific organizations, schools and enterprises.
In virtual annual meeting of BRISEC, the membership request of 5 new international society was discussed following the presentation of the mission and activities of the applying organizations. The membership of the Young Scientists Festival (YSF) and Jamili Science and Technology Foundation in BRISEC was approved by the members and the president of the BRISEC (Prof. Dato Lee Yee Cheong). The YSF and Science and Technology Foundation will expand its international integration with other members of BRISEC and will continue designing supportive scheme for development of applied science in accordance with BRISEC vision.
Meeting Attendees:
BRISEC member representatives from various countries including China, Pakistan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Cyprus, Tajikistan, ALESCO, The Czech Republic, Singapore, Iran, Ukraine, Romania and…