World Intellectual Property Day (WIPO), an organization under the supervision of the United Nations, was created to foster the advancement of intellectual property rights worldwide and offer resolutions in this domain, and this year in 2024, the theme is announced as “Building our common future with innovation and creativity”
In 2000, the organization made the decision to establish World Intellectual Property Day as an annual event with the primary goal of increasing awareness about the significance of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and designs in our daily lives.
Eventually, April 26 was selected as the official day to commemorate the World Intellectual Property Day, coinciding with the implementation of the convention that established the World Intellectual Property Organization in 1970.
Last year, WIPO, in collaboration with UNESCO and KIPO, hosted an event celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, which brought together female science experts, including recipients of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award. Throughout the event, the individuals present engaged in an extensive discourse concerning the efficient utilization of women’s research outcomes, strategies to inspire women and girls to pursue STEM careers, and the indispensable role of intellectual property in implementing research for practical use.