World Health Day is observed annually on April 7th to coincide with the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO). The primary objective is to raise awareness of global health issues and the overall well-being of communities. Furthermore, on this day, individuals, organizations and governments come together to acquire knowledge on addressing global health issues in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
In 2024, the theme for World Health Day is “My Health, My Right”, which aligns with the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the World Health Organization. It emphasizes the fundamental human right to access healthcare, education and information.
On this day, people from all over the world gather to recognize the goals and achievements of the World Health Organization, highlighting the significance of a healthy world for everyone. Governments, governmental, and non-governmental organizations worldwide also commemorate this occasion. Typically, these organizations promote their activities on World Health Day through the media.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is an autonomous global organization that operates under the United Nations to promote global health issues. Since its inception in 1951, this organization has dedicated itself to the core principles of the United Nations. Its primary objectives revolve around promoting global peace, ensuring security, improving living conditions for individuals worldwide, and advancing public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has undertaken numerous activities in developing countries to combat various health issues, such as smallpox, chickenpox, polio, tuberculosis, leprosy, and other related concerns. On this specific day, discussions, exhibitions, and contests are organized on diverse health-related subjects to fulfill the objective of World Health Day, which is to raise awareness about worldwide health issues. Awards are also presented to the winners of these activities.