In December 2023, a Meeting was held between the YSF International Committee and Dr. Hossein Kashiri – Director General for Department of Loans, International Organization & Institutions Department.
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipanah – Head of YSF International Committee provided an overview of the international vision of the festival which includes creating opportunities for Iranians and non-Iranians, both residents and non-residents, to exchange experiences through joint projects and said: additionally, YSF aims to organize some events highlighting the importance of basic sciences in advancing technology, in collaboration with international organizations.
Dr. Mohammadipanah also mentioned: YSF aims to establish connections with international organizations like the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) to leverage the potential for science development and research projects.
In the following, Dr. Kashiri highlighted the possible collaborations between YSF and the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) in advancing the festival’s international goals. He also suggested engaging with some other international organizations in which Iran is an official member, such as the OPEC Fund for International Development, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and BRICS.
At the end, it was decided to menage a trilateral meeting between YSF, International Center of MSRT, and Department of Loans, International Organization & Institutions Department to discuss on further opportunities YSF can have to expand its activities on international scale.