A meeting was held between the Director of Young Scientists Festival (YSF) executives and Khosro Nazemi-Secretary General of Economic Cooperation Organizations on May 18, 2023.
Dr. Soroush Moaddab -YSF Executive Manager – pointed to scientific activities held in all six previous editions of YSF.
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipanah, Head of the YSF International Committee, provided an overview of the UNESCO Basic Sciences and Technology Club, which was established to promote science and technology through the development of innovative products and services.
In his presentation, Dr. Nasser Gholami pointed to the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between YSF and the Eco Cultural Institute (ECI) as well as to the common cultures between Iran and ECO member states in order to improve international activities and unlock hidden potential.
Dr. Gholami also added: “We try to make connection between knowledge and convergence of elites as the main theme.”
Eng. Ebrahim Jamili has added that the primary objective of YSF is to inspire and encourage the younger generation to lead the way in the realm of digital processing. Therefore, to increase international activities in the 7th Young Scientists Festivals, Eng. Jamili applied for new possible techniques and also nominating international professors in basic sciences.
Dr. Khosro Nazeri appreciated YSF activities and explained about Economic Cooperation Organizations (ECO).
Trade and investment, Communications and transportation, Energy and mine, and sustainable development were all considered active fields by Dr. Nazemi.
The Secretary General of Economic Cooperation Organizations (ECO) mentioned: Eco Cultural and Educational organizations are active now. Therefore, he recommended cooperating with them for better results.