Jury committee meeting was held online and not in person on Monday 14 Mehr 1399 (10/05/2020) with the presence of (Dr. Kamarei, Dr. Niknam, Dr. Zahedi, Dr. Zali, Dr. Gholami, Mr.Moaddab, Dr. Shadi Jamili and Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipanah), and also scientific business judges (Dr. Zeinali, Dr. Kananian, Dr. Hejazi, Dr. Mohammad Kazemi, Dr. Karimi, Dr. Aghajani, Dr. Rokni, Dr. Farjadian, Dr. Parvin Baradaran and Dr. Raheleh Miladi).
After the broadcast of Quran chanting and the National Anthem, the meeting was started with broadcasting the fourth festival of Young Scientist teaser and a report on the activities done about the fourth festival of Young Scientist by Dr. Gholami (the secretory of the festival’s management and planning).
Afterwards, Dr. Zahedi (festival’s scientific secretory) gave information about receiving more than 180 ideas in the fourth festival by now and added that the ability to use the festival’s judgement portal has facilitated and expedited the process associated with this section in the fourth period of this scientific event.
Dr. Zahedi also made some points about the received projects in the level of business assessment after they were confirmed in the process of scientific and scoring judgement.
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadi panah mentioned some points about methodology of jury’s evaluation and judgement based on the qualification of the ideas according to their scientific value and their potential in being commercialized and also transforming the idea into business. She then talked about the possibility of the completion of wholly theoretical but apt ideas with the help of judges’ guidance and the re-uploading option on the festival’s website.
Advancing the meeting, Dr. Mohamad Reza Zali (Festival’s secretory of business committee) named ideators, teams with high growth potential and Start-up businesses as 3 main groups of evaluation in this event and emphasized on the necessity of presenting MVP and business model for each participant team to get the judges’ initial confirmation in the business department. According to Dr. Zali, among more than 180 received ideas by now in this period, 6 ideas are related to start-up businesses.
Mr. Moaddab (Festival’s Chief executive) had also made some points about the availability of registration portal to the judges.
Afterwards, Dr. Shadi Jamili (the Festival’s permanent secretariat head) made some explanations on the Fourth festival rewards and also offered her request to the jury on introducing premier young professors.
Thanking the Festival’s team, Dr. Niknam talked about the bright future of the procedure.
Other attendances had also offered their suggestions about precise and orderly judgement in this period of the festival.
At the end, Dr. Kamarei (the Festival’s head) concluded the suggested points in the meeting and thanking the jury of scientific judgement on business, he asked for the preparation of the verdict as soon as possible.