The first meeting of the specialized commission of the 4th Festival of Young Scientists on Monday, June8, was held in the presence of Mr. Jamili, Chairman of the Policy Council, Dr. Kamarei, Chairman of the Festival, and Dr. Jamili, Chairman of the Permanent Secretariat and other members of the Strategic Committee in the Pirelahi Hall of collage of science, University of Tehran.
At the beginning of the meeting, a report of the action and the number of meetings of the 4th Festival Strategic Committee hosted by Dr. Niknam, President of the collage of science, University of Tehran, was presented by Dr. Gholami, Secretary of the Management and Planning Council.
Then Dr. Zahedi, the scientific secretary of the festival, explained the process of judging the idea99.99 project in brief, and Dr. Jamili, thanking and appreciating professors and directors, concluded the measures taken and Dr. Niknam (Chancellor of Science campus of Tehran University) was introduced and thanked as the secretary of the 4th Festival of Young Scientists.
In the continuation of the meeting, the fourth festival proposal, the first choice of the Project 99/99 was proposed by Dr. Ghaffarhashemi (Rahpouyan 7 in the session and the poster design along with the text of the call was unveiled by Mr. Moaddab
Also, Dr. Kamarei spoke about the last three festivals and their experiences, and mentioned this festival as a place to evaluate and introduce the best projects in the field of sciences.
Dr. Niknam, Director of the 4th Festival of young scientists, thanked the activities of the Jamili Charity Foundation, announced readiness of Tehran’s Science College to participate in the festival.
· Finally, Mr. Jamili, emphasizing the importance of this festival as a scientific event, pointed to the need for more information, calls to universities and relevant organizations and added, according to the special focus of this course that is “the effects of the coronavirus on the biological pattern”, should be targeted information.