On Saturday, May 25th, 2024 a meeting was held to discuss the conditions for creating a mining network under the supervision of Zarrin Industrial and Mining Group in IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association) member states.
Eng. Ebrahim Jamili- Head of the Zarrin Industrial and Mining Group started by welcoming attendees of the meeting, and Dr. Mohammadreza Sanjabi-Director of the IORA Regional Center for Science and Technology Transfer (IORA RCSTT) provided an overview of IORA’s activities.
Dr. Sanjabi continued: IORA is a dynamic intergovernmental organization that fosters regional cooperation within the Indian Ocean region through its 23 member states and 12 dialogue partners, focusing on 6 different fields, and Bangladesh has recently been elected as the chair of the union for a two-year period.
He also mentioned: Iran is responsible for leading the IORA Regional Center for Science and Technology Transfer (IORA RCSTT), Women’s Economic Empowerment, and Academic, Science and Technology Group.
Some of the most important activities of the IORA RCSTT include creating regional hubs, networking, organizing technology tours to familiarize participants with the latest technologies of member countries, organizing scientific technology exhibitions to showcase capabilities, and participating in promotional events in the form of webinars, seminars, and etc.
Dr. Iraj Tajeddin, the CEO of Ayerma International Industry & Mine Research Company, welcomed the opportunity to network in the mining industry and proposed the establishment of green mining network. Engineer Ibrahim Jamily also acknowledged the scientific activities of IORA RCSTT and suggested hosting joint events and training tours to provide opportunities for participants and idea generators in the Young Scientists Festival.
Dr. Soroush Moaddab, YSF Executive Manager, proposed collaboration between the Festival and the Academic, Science and Technology Group of IORA.
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipanah- Head of YSF International Committee requested the Director of the IORA RCSTT in assisting the festival with facilitating initial communications between the YSF and the representative of the FAO in Iran, as well as establishing connections with the Japanese and South African ambassadors in Tehran and introducing some international indicators in the environmental field to send a video speech for the 8th closing ceremony of the festival.
It was also agreed that, in addition to continuing joint cooperations, more brainstorming sessions should be held between the two organizations to promote bilateral goals.