Young Scientists Festival
The Young Scientists Festival has been held annually at the national level since 2017 with the support of the “Jamili Science and Technology Foundation” to support the transformation of ideas in basic science into business and encouragement of young scientists for applied research.
Entrepreneurial Ideas: Any creation or application of new knowledge, or application of existing knowledge in a new way, is about offering one or more application dimensions (such as providing new products/services, new markets, technology, and new production methods or business models).
Responsible/Principle Ideator: Responsible ideator is an individual who is the intellectual property owner of the team and is responsible for all the administrative and financial interactions with the YSF office. The principle ideator must discuss the matters communicated by the secretariat in the team and present the final product/results and report all of the team’s activities to the secretariat.
Note: In case of violation of the principle ideator, colleagues whose names and details are officially registered in the festival portal should only notify the secretariat of the violation through a written letter.
Any formal or informal new business (including an entrepreneur or manager/ owner of the startup as the principal applicant) having a record of the activity of fewer than 42 months (three and a half years).
“Jamili Science and Technology Foundation” Support Fund (Product Development Grant)
We provide grants or advisory-educational services to startup companies, scientists, or research teams.
Registration Process
How to register the idea on the Young Scientists Festival website?
1st stage:
Go to the section “registration of the idea” on the festival portal.
Applicants must register all personal information and their proposal (idea)only through the official website of YSF at
Scientific Fields of the YSF
Basic Sciences include; Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Computer Science, Biology, and Geology.
The applicants can register their idea for up to four applications.
Note: If your idea is interdisciplinary, you can specify more than one of the relevant areas during your registration.
Opening Frame of the YSF Registration
The online registration system for the 7th YSF will become available on July 23, 2023.
The festival’s holding date (announcement of the final results): will be in November 2023.
Festival Awards
The elites in the following two sections receive support from YSF:
Ideators Section
In each field, the final selected applications are 2 teams in each field of basic science.
Startups Section:
Four teams will be awarded in this section.
According to the definition of the YSF, the young refer to researchers over the age of 18 and under 44 years. Therefore, all principal participants must have at least 18 years old. The age of the principal ideator who has the team’s responsibility must be under 44 years, but the advisors in the team can be over 44 years old.
International young researchers are warmly welcomed to join as the team members of applicants for both sections of the festival. In a team including 2-6 persons, at least one member who is responsible for the project must be an Iranian. Non-Iranian applicants must join the teams in which the principles participant is an Iranian.
Participants must have at least a diploma and can be from any academic discipline. In contrast, the main field of the application subject should be based on the subjects of Basic Sciences.
Note: The level of the degrees and number of participants have no extra advantage in the selection process. The evaluators of the festival consider the quality, outcome, and possibility of commercialization of the idea as the criterion of the evaluation process.
Definition of the Team
The application subject is proposed by teams. Teams include individual researchers with complementary task-based skills who will join to achieve the aims of the defined proposal.
The number of people in the ideators section can range from 2 to 6. The number of people participating in the startup applications must be 3 to 6.
Note 1: Each team or individual can submit four completely distinct ideas in the festival system.
Note 2: The past years’ participants or awarded individuals can participate in the upcoming festival with a different idea/proposal.
Note 3: After the final submission in the online system, there will be no possibility for the completion or edition. Please check the accuracy of the contents, including the information about team members, the completeness of project information, and other items before the final submission of the idea on the website of the YSF.
Note 4: If the idea is selected for the festival, the YSF office is authorized to use only the information in the online system (names and pictures of ideators, title, and abstract of the project) and not the content of the ideas to the public.
Evaluation Process
The festival’s academic and business referees will evaluate eligible applications (at least three expert reviewers from academia, industry, entrepreneurs, etc.).
Six teams from each section, “ideators and startup,” will be selected and invited for an online presentation/ interview with the members of the scientific committee and the business committee of the festival. Two out of six in each field will be selected based on the feasibility of the proposal and the project’s expected outcome. The Young Scientists Festival will financially award them to develop their product.
Announcement of the YSF Awards
Announcement of the evaluation process and introduction of the teams receiving the festival’s support
The selected ideas/startups’ names will be kept confidential until the festival’s closing day on November 2023.
Researchers whose ideas have not been selected at the festival can again submit their completed, improved, or revised ideas in the future years of the festival.