According to Bazarekar, the closing ceremony of the fourth festival of young scientists was held with the presence and speeches of scientific and cultural figures.
According to the Bazaarkar reporter, the head of the University of Tehran, emphasizing that the corona outbreak reminded us of two mistakes, said: “In the past, medical experts believed that the era of infectious diseases was over, while we were unaware of the basic sciences, while we need to pay attention to these sciences for innovation.
Dr. Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi said today at the closing ceremony of the 4th Festival of Young Scientists: Corona virus with all its huge and widespread attacks caused to human beings not to be stopped and always tried to manage the situation to get the most benefit by the lowest cost.
By stating that in such a situation, the close relation between science and crisis management is very clear,” he said. “I always think about what our education, research and research situation would have been like if we had the coronavirus in 20 years ago.” At that time, all the people stayed at home and the society was disconnected from the fields of education and students, and the universities were disrupted.
Nili, stating that we did not have the development of e-learning that we have today in the last 20 years, continued: The University of Tehran is one of the leading universities in the development of e-learning and from the investment that it has had in this field for the past 20 years, it started its e-learning in March when the virus spread and no disruption was created in education.
The Head of the University of Tehran, emphasizing that the last semester was held with the least delay, noted: “Such measures show the power of science and knowledge and show that what society values most is science and knowledge.”
Nili reminded by referring to the actions performed in the field of coping with Corona virus: humans have provided a lot of possibilities throughout history, but in spite of all the advances, a virus as small as this has paralyzed the world, and we have concluded that except with science and knowledge cannot cope with this virus.
The Head of the University of Tehran, stating that we have made mistakes in two areas so far, said: One of these mistakes is in the field of medicine; Because many experts in this field believed that the era of infectious diseases is over and non- contagious diseases are a serious danger to humans, so that in a conference held in collaboration with major universities, the main challenge of modern man was announced non-contagious diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, etc. and good funds were considered for one of the medical universities.
He considered the neglect of basic sciences as another mistake of the country and reminded: Our focus is more on the development of businesses and technology and the conversion of knowledge into technology, unaware that we need to pay attention to basic sciences to complete this chain.
Nili by emphasizing that the condition for the development of product innovation is to pay more attention to the basic sciences, said: the prevalence of corona reminded us that this chain must be complete, and the beginning of any movement in this field depends on the rapid movement at the beginning of the path, and that is to pay attention to the basic sciences.
The Head of the University of Tehran, stating that when the proposal to hold a festival of young scientists was presented, I welcomed it, said: This is another trend on other scientific movements in the country and such movements led the country’s youth to enter the field of knowledge, while the future of the country determines the future of the entrances of universities and professors and science and knowledge of the country.
He said that viewing scientifically and choosing the right path leads to sustainable development and said: “The creative ideas that are presented in these events must have maximum application and creative people must be supported.”
The head of the Tehran University supporters’ foundation by emphasizing that the youth are the most valuable resources of any country, said: creating employment is only a part of the achievements of the Festival of Young Scientists and creating motivation and hope is considered its most important achievement.
Launching the permanent secretariat of the Festival
According to the reporter of Bazarekar, Mahmoud Kamraei, at the closing ceremony of the 4th Festival of Young Scientists, referring to the launching the permanent secretariat of the festival, added: “In the world, the most important resources are manpower, and among manpower, young people are the most valuable resources of any country.”
He said that the purpose of holding this festival is to pay attention to young scientists and noted: This festival is held by the private sector in which it supports young people’s ideation, usually in educational systems, less attention is paid to entrepreneurship and only topics of scientific theory are emphasized, but this festival has taken steps to guide young people towards converting science into a product and technology. “Guiding thinkers towards entrepreneurship will improve the economic and social status of the country, and this is one of our responsibilities,” Kamraei said.
The head of the University of Tehran Supporters Foundation, referring to the awards given to the top teams of the festival, noted: “Apart from cash prizes, this festival has considered support for the promotion and development of technology ideas for the best.”
Creating employment is part of the achievements of this festival
Referring to the holding of 4 festivals of young scientists, he added: in the first round, 421 ideas are sent, in the second round 637 ideas, in the third round 316 ideas and in the fourth round 411 ideas have been sent and grants given for the best ideas by the foundation of charity are more motivating. Creating employment is only one of the achievements of this festival and creating motivation and hope is its most important achievement.
Also, Ebrahim Jamili, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Jamili Charity Foundation, stating at the ceremony that next year, we are trying to bring this festival to the field of students, added: “Holding a festival means doing hard work and the festival for people who want to do hard work.”
Expressing hope that this festival can achieve immortality in the future, he said: The fifth festival will be held internationally in 1400.
Jamili continued by stating that the festival of young scientists is not only summarized in magazines and media, but also it is a place for the connection of science and wealth. Therefore, the doors of this festival are open to all those who want to strive for the excellence of the country and wealth creation.
This festival is held every year by the University of Tehran Supporters Foundation in Allameh Amini Hall of the Central Library of the University of Tehran, but this year, due to the acute coronary conditions, this program was held as a webinar.
Source: Bazarekar