Criteria and indicators for evaluating the ideas of the 5th Young Scientists Festival
Evaluation criteria
Description for the idea’s criteria
Novelty of the idea
Is this idea new at the national and international level?
Originality of idea or design
Is the idea completely innovative and unique?
Innovation and Creativity
Does the idea have a creative presentation of new products?
Presentation Skill
Does the idea answer all the questions clearly and concisely?
Selection of requirements
Are the materials used in the idea appropriate in line with the product efficacy?
Is the idea presented and its predictable product eco-friendly? Efficiency: Does the idea meet the needs of the users of that section?
Value Added
Will the idea add value to the available product on the market?
Will the idea have potential risks to users?
Are the principles of ergonomics observed in this idea according to the ergonomic SDGs?
Observance of cultural needs
Are the cultural conditions appropriate to the country considered in the design and do not cause complications?
Possibility of production and commercialization
Will it be technologically and economically possible to produce this idea for commercialization?