The Young Scientists Festival recently hosted a meeting with Ms. Zamani, the producer of the Radio Javan and Ms. Nazanini from the Young Scientists Club.
The meeting was centered around exploring opportunities to introduce the Young Scientists Festival laureates to Radio Javan. The primary goal is to have the laureates featured on the radio station’s programs, either through interviews or by participating in discussions about their successes, experiences, and the paths they took to achieve their accomplishments in the festival. This collaboration aims to provide a platform for the laureates to share their knowledge and inspire others while also raising awareness of their work and the impact it has on the scientific community.
Additionally, the idea of creating a communication network between YSF laureates and knowledge-based companies, with the assistance of the Young Scientists Club, was discussed to further enhance public awareness of young scientists’ achievements and innovations.
Ms. Zamani emphasized the importance of supporting creative young researchers to advance the country’s scientific and entrepreneurial development. She expressed Radio Javan’s readiness for broader collaboration, highlighting that national media plays a crucial role in showcasing young talents achievements in the country.
This meeting signifies the start of continued collaboration between the Young Scientists Festival and Radio Javan. It is expected that through these broader collaborations, the voices of Iran’s talented and innovative youth will reach a wider audience, amplifying their impact and promoting scientific progress